Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Nowhere to Go but In

Nowhere to Go but In
Unique answers to real questions

In this book Osho answers a wide range of seeker’s questions, speaking on themes such as the nature of enlightenment, the seeking of spiritual powers, the relationship between meditation and love; on love and marriage, marriage and sex, sex as a meditation and Tantra.

In explaining a meditation technique called "tratak," Osho says it is "an experiment in just looking. It can be done under the open sky, in nature -- looking without mentally processing the images on the eye. In a short while you will find that the outside sky has entered you; that the sky outside and the sky within you have merged to become the great sky, all boundaries have disappeared."

"Osho is an enlightened master who is working with all possibilities to help humanity overcome a difficult phase in developing consciousness."
The Dalai Lama

"Osho is a mystical giant, a flowering of a unique intelligence and one of those rare humans ex-pressing himself with joy."
Paul Reps, author of Zen Flesh, Zen Bones.

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