Sunday, September 13, 2009

Absolute Tao.

OSHO says speaking on Lao Tzu is as if he is speaking on himself, and you can feel this throughout the book. Tao is, as is OSHO, the way of wholeness: not dividing anything, not denying anything, remaining choiceless. The first sutra of this classic work by Lao Tzu begins: The Tao that can be told of is not the Absolute Tao. In this book, the Tao is simply absolutely reflected by OSHO. You seem to not read this book, but rather listen to it as if it were a waterfall. And in this way you can come to understand why Tao emphasizes hollowness. To be empty inside, to be hollow is the meaning of meditation.
OSHO’s insight is if you can be nourished even by emptiness, then you are in touch with the eternal. This nourishment comes through a dancing being. The more you dance outwardly, the more an inner dance becomes possible and then the emptiness becomes blissful, ecstatic.

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