Wednesday, October 7, 2009

(The) Goose is out.

(The) Goose is out.

The Zen koan, 'The goose is out!' captures the whole absurdity of the human condition: how, throughout our lives, we remain voluntarily ignorant of our true nature. In this book, his last responses to disciples' questions before going into silence for three and a half years, OSHO penetrates the prejudices and beliefs we have gathered as our protection against the truth...

'You have forgotten the language of your being. I have come to recognize it – I have remembered myself. And since the day I remembered myself I have been in a strange situation: I feel compassion for you, and deep down I also giggle at you, because you are not really in trouble. You don't really need compassion, you need hammering, you need to be hit hard on the head. Your suffering is bogus. Ecstasy is your very nature. You are truth. You are love. You are bliss. You are freedom.'

'OSHO has a no-mind to his comments, sudden bursts of insight, novel ways of putting images together so that you read in enchanted wonder. Any spiritual teacher who has such bad publicity must be saying some wonderfully terrible things. Tune in.'
The USA Book Reader

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